ChurchDesk now supports crediting your images on your website. Simply add the copyright details when uploading your images to your file archive and we’ll make sure to show this on your website. It only requires that you use Theme 6 & 8.. Oh and we are soon launching a new theme again (it looks beautiful).
You’ll now be able to search for any event or absence in your ChurchDesk Calendar. To run a search, simply type the title in the search bar.
Ask most electoral roll officers and church wardens about what they’re looking forward to at the moment and the answer’s probably not the Electoral Roll refresh. So, here are 5 ideas for making this an easier, quicker, and more valuable process for your volunteers and congregation.
With our new integration between ChurchDesk Payments & Giving and ChurchDesk Forms, you now have a very powerful and easy to use tool for managing event signups, payments and donations in one go.
Ask most electoral roll officers and church wardens about what they’re looking forward to at the moment and the answer’s probably not the Electoral Roll refresh. We've now integrated the Electoral Application process is directly integrated into ChurchDesk.
We've made significant improvements to the way you manage your Rotas in ChurchDesk. The improvements are based on feedback and close collaboration with many parishes across the UK.
When a contact submits new data you can easily update their profile in ChurchDesk People. We’ve recently updated our forms to help you keep your contact data up to date.
With ChurchDesk Forms, you can collect relevant information for your contacts so you can easily get back in touch with them.
With ChurchDesk, deaneries can create a list of events from their parishes’ diaries by using the new widgets.
Easily share your events on Facebook from your ChurchDesk Calendar and instantly reach beyond your church community.
People are also increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to browse online, so your website, of course, also needs to look good on any device. New beautiful and responsive website design in ChurchDesk
Now you can save your private notes in ChurchDesk. All your notes are stored securely and only you can read them.
We’ve recently made improvements that will increase transparency and help you get a better overview when using ChurchDesk.
If your organisation handles the personal data of citizens, 25 May 2018 is a date that needs to be emblazoned on your mind. New regulation governing data protection comes into force putting far greater requirements on churches to manage, protect and dispose of citizens’ personal data in an appropriate manner. Here’s how the rules will affect your church. And how you can face the new regulations properly by using ChurchDesk.
Limit sensitive data to specific users - and continue collaborating on newsletters in ChurchDesk People. With our new permissions, you can control who has access to sensitive data.
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