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Search your ChurchDesk Calendar & other Goodies...

ChurchDesk Calendar Search

You’ll now be able to search for any event or absence in your ChurchDesk Calendar. To run a search, simply type the title in the search bar.

Calendar search is finally here

It’s easy to narrow down your search if you’re getting too many results. The filters make it easy to find your event in the haystack of events with similar titles. Don’t remember the title? Try searching for something written in the description or internal note.

See which events you’ve not yet responded to

Digital calendars are meant to make your life easier. You’re probably aware of how many digital calendars shows you if you have replied to an event invitation or not. ChurchDesk is now introducing this feature to help you get a better overview of when you’re needed.Screenshot 2019-06-12 at 13.51.37

Soon: Some really nice calendar improvements

  • When you book a resource we will automatically fill out the location of your event, to ensure it looks correct on your website, in your newsletters and elsewhere.
  • You will soon be able to choose if Sunday or Monday should be start of the week in your calendar view

Got a question? – We’re here to help!

Topics: Product

Kenneth Svenningsen
Kenneth Svenningsen
I want to make things that matter and make a difference. I'm responsible for our customers and obsessed about helping churches meet people with technology.

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