Multiple contacts can now share contact info and be automatically linked together as family members

Families are at the heart of the church. We at ChurchDesk are introducing a major improvement that will make the church's work with families easier. For example, regarding baptism preparation or any type of children activities.

Features and improvements introduced in August

Learn more about the features and improvement we have made in ChurchDesk over the last month. We invest every month in making our service to you even better. Here you can learn how we have done that.

Features and improvements introduced in June & July

Learn more about the features and improvement we have made in ChurchDesk over the last month. We invest every month in making our service to you even better. Here you can learn how we have done that.

The ChurchDesk Portal: All events in one place for everyone

We are introducing the ChurchDesk Portal to help dioceses and deaneries to get a full and central overview of all the events and services in your parishes and churches.

Features and improvements introduced in May

Learn more about the features and improvement we have made in ChurchDesk over the last month. We invest every month in making our service to you even better. Here you can learn how we have done that.

ChurchDesk is introducing a new calendar

In December 2019 we introduced our new calendar to churches and it's been very well received. Now we're switching all users to the new calendar with a lot of improvements. 

Add sign-up forms directly to your events in ChurchDesk

If and when you’re able to host corona-safely events, it’s recommended that you ask people to sign up. Now you’re able to easily add a sign-up form directly to an event from within the ChurchDesk Calendar.

A better solution for people working in multiple parishes

At ChurchDesk we’re observing the everyday life of the church and have noticed how more and more churches have started sharing their human resources such as their organist, choir and even warden. ChurchDesk would like to help accommodate this new way of collaborating between parishes. That’s why we’re now providing you with a great solution to collaborate with your neighbouring parishes.

Coordinate staff and volunteers easily with the new absence calendar

We are always working to improve our already great calendar for you. Today, we are adding a new view for absences so your daily view becomes less cluttered.

How to use QR codes successfully in your church

QR codes are everywhere by now. We also have integrated these smartphone-readable links into ChurchDesk forms. Read on to learn how you can successfully use this tool in your church!

New website themes are now accessibility compliant

By 23 September 2020, The Government Digital Service (GDS) requires all websites in the public sector to be compliant with the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standards. ChurchDesk has made sure that you can comply with these if you also want your church's online presence to be more accessible.

New improvements to your ChurchDesk Calendar

We’ve received many requests for the following improvements which we’re excited to introduce to you.

ChurchDesk Multi-Parish supports work across multiple congregations and churches

ChurchDesk Multi-Parish is the new tool for benefices and parishes that work across multiple congregations or churches. 

Get a better overview with the new and powerful ChurchDesk Calendar

Throughout the years we’ve received a lot of great feedback on the ChurchDesk Calendar. Not surprising since the calendar is the heart of running a church. Based on your feedback and in collaboration with various users of ChurchDesk we’ve now made introduced a new calendar. 

Get a beautiful website with our new website elements and let us do all the work!

We are excited to give you more and highly flexible design options for your ChurchDesk website. It is now even easier to make beautiful church websites.

Our CEO on how to build a great church management software

At ChurchDesk we are often asked why we work so hard on building a workflow management software for churches. My answer as CEO is always: We work hard...

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I want to talk to all our customers

I will jumb right into it! Last week I got a great idea and wrote out to 1,000 of our active users and asked if they could find 10-15 minutes of their...

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Is your church ready for the new Google requirements to be mobile?

Google has big changes coming up in the way they prioritize their search results. April 21, 2015, Google changes significantly. The company just annou...

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