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We are ChurchDesk: Meet Matthias


At ChurchDesk we are proud to have such a hardworking team. We want you to see their brilliance too, so we will be giving you an introduction to some our employees and an insight into what they do over following series of articles.

What is your role at ChurchDesk?

I am based in our Danish office in Copenhagen. Here I lead the technical department, which I have been a part of since I started working at ChurchDesk. I try to separate the everyday “noise” from the developers, so they don’t get interrupted in their work. I also participate in discussions when we try to figure out what to develop next and what should be prioritized. This discussion obviously also involves our customers’ feedback, as well as the management team. When I have time, I love to play around with coding.

What is your background?

I was studying for my undergraduate degree at the Technical University of Copenhagen (DTU) when I was first introduced to ChurchDesk. When I joined the team in 2011 it was a very new business, consisting of just a strong idea and a lot of motivation. Today, I’m still here - now full time, and aside from working at ChurchDesk I just received my Masters Degree from DTU.


Why ChurchDesk?

I have always been a bit of a technology nerd. Actually, I made my first website (about meteors) when I was about 10 or 11 years old. When I heard about the student job I grabbed the opportunity. This was when ChurchDesk was still unregistered, and just a small group who had an idea and a vision about digitizing the church. It is a completely different firm today, with even bigger ambitions and a new team, but the old root: wanting to help churches towards an easier everyday life.

How would you describe ChurchDesk to a friend?

It is definitely an international environment. In the developing department we have employees from almost every part of the world. Even though we’re busy we have a fun, social relationship outside of work. Generally, it’s a very transparent working place with a flat structure. We trust that everybody does their best because they want the best for the company. Furthermore, we are a young-minded team. We are not afraid of trying new technologies, if we believe they are better than the old. We have to continue following the newest trends if we want to offer the best product.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I might still be at ChurchDesk. I imagine that ChurchDesk will have reached out even further and that our development will have continued. That’s part of the fun of being here - no two years at ChurchDesk are the same. We all become better at what we do, as the product and workplace develops.

What is your biggest challenge currently?

Lately we have hired some experienced developers for our department. It is really exciting because the competence level of the team has grown with the new employees. My challenge is to teach them how they can use their competences most effectively at ChurchDesk, and give them an insight into our code base and application. I know our team is really strong and full of new ideas, inputs and ways of doing things - and that’s exciting!

What motivates you in your job?

Essentially, it’s all about being in an environment where you are missed if you are sick or on holiday. It’s the feeling of making a difference that gives me the most satisfaction. It probably wouldn’t feel the same being in a team of 50 developers. I love when I can be someone’s “hero” because I help solve their problem or am there for them when they need my expertise. I think we can all relate to this.


Can you think of one person that has inspired you?

That’s a tough one… I guess I will have to say our CEO Christian and our chairman Klaus Nyengaard. It may sound like a cliché but they are both people who see opportunities where others see challenges. During the company’s lifetime we have sometimes felt like there was a road block, but Christian always, no matter how big the challenge, saw a way out or a different way to approach the situation. I think that is why we have made it to where we are today.

Is there one thing about you that would surprise your colleagues?

I am a pescetarian and do yoga. My colleagues already know this, but it is probably not things you usually associate with an IT-nerd. I also sailed a lot when I was younger and among others won the Danish Championship, the Youth European Championship and participated in the World Championship. Even though I miss sailing and want to find some time to do it again, it is IT that drives me and interests me the most today.

Topics: News, we are churchdesk, tech, company

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