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The best integrated giving tool for churches


With this product launch, we are making it even easier to give to the church and other causes that the church is engaged in.

Taking giving in the Church to the next level

At ChurchDesk we want to help the church in its mission by providing the necessary tools for the daily work of the church. This includes making it easy to organize services, and activities as well as building stronger communities. With this product launch, we are making it even easier to give to the church and other causes that the church is engaged in.

Join our product tour on October 18th 10am to learn more about how you can do giving better with ChurchDesk

Sign-up to our product tour October 18th 10am

Giving is built-in - one solution for all your needs and data

A huge benefit of our giving tools is that it is built into ChurchDesk. No need to buy a separate giving solution and all data remains securely within ChurchDesk. During the giving process donors even get the option to sign-up for your newsletters.

Easy to take giving online and on mobile!

ChurchDesk is launching a beautiful giving widget that you can embed into any website. And like our smart calendar system, the widget automatically updates and shows all the projects that your church is engaged in, raising both awareness and money.

We even optimised our new giving tool for mobile. So you can scan the 2D barcode and easily donate directly from your mobile.


Easy reporting and account reconciliation

We are launching a completely redesigned report that is automatically generated for you to accompany the bank transfer. It is in Excel format and provides a neat overview of the bank transfer and a convenient breakdown of payment fees, donations and refunds.

“Scan and Give” Poster - the most cost-effective alternative to a digital donation box

In November we are also launching “Scan & Give” posters for all customers with our Studio add-on. Finally, all churches get an easy and cost-effective alternative to a digital donation box for credit card or mobile payments. Simply click a button and get a beautiful poster that can be scanned by any mobile for a quick and easy donation. The poster is available for print in all convenient print and poster formats. This is far more cost-effective than expensive hardware solutions but is also much easier to add to the church environment as no power supply or WIFI is necessary.

 Wood Sign Mockup

Topics: Product

Kenneth Svenningsen
Kenneth Svenningsen
I want to make things that matter and make a difference. I'm responsible for our customers and obsessed about helping churches meet people with technology.

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