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8 improvements - It’s the little things that make the difference

Read about news in calender, bookings, blog views and more

We’d like to highlight a few small improvements we hope will make your day even better. Read about news in calender, bookings, blog views and more.

What's new in Calendar

Create new resources from an event + Save and notify easily

You can now easily register a new resource when you’re creating an event. We’ve also made it easier to notify users when you update an event in the calendar.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.43.36Get a notification when a user declines a booking

You’ll now receive a notification if you’ve booked a person for an event who then declines the invitation.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.44.48Easily close the calendar pop-up
The quick view of an event in the calendar is now easier to close.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.45.45What’s new on Homepage

Edit your calendar and blog views where they are

It’s now much easier to edit your views on the website. Simply find the text view, blog view or calendar view that needs editing and click the newly added pencil icon in the top right.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.11.58What else is new?

Invite new users when you need it

We’ve now made it easier to invite staff and volunteer users from more places. When you’re scheduling your rota - you can invite a user. When you’re creating events - you can invite a user. And when you’re managing your groups - you can invite a user.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.48.11Your settings in one place

For a while we’ve kept our settings separate, but to show clearly how your ChurchDesk can be customised we’ve started to move settings into one place. With this update you can manage your users from Settings as well as People settings. More will be added later.

The new Settings can be found in the user menu (behind your name).

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.49.00Book a meeting with your account manager from the new “Get help” menu

We’ve combined the “Support” button and the “Chat” icon into one button from where you can always get help.

  • Write directly with us
  • Seek help and inspiration via guides
  • Get our phone number

Finally, you can book a meeting with your assigned account manager.

Screenshot 2019-04-19 at 15.50.40

Topics: Product, guide

Kenneth Svenningsen
Kenneth Svenningsen
I want to make things that matter and make a difference. I'm responsible for our customers and obsessed about helping churches meet people with technology.

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