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Features and improvements introduced in February


Every month we take a lot of time to make our service even better and to develop ChurchDesk further. This month we have a special release to help you to keep in touch with your church members and some further improvements.

Schedule & Share Blog posts easily on Facebook

We have introduced a simple sharing feature that allows you to schedule and share your blog posts on your Facebook page. This means that blog posts can now easily be shared on your website, in newsletters as well as on Facebook.

We also introduced a search feature for blogs making it easier for you to find and manage all your blog posts.

Create a user from Contacts

Have a contact in People who have started volunteering in your church? Now you can easily invite them to become a user that can access ChurchDesk. Simply go to the contact in ChurchDesk people and invite them to be part of the work in your community.

Big improvements to our simple newsletter - join our webinar March 17th

In March we will be launching some fantastic improvements to our regular simple newsletter feature. One of the biggest benefits of our simple newsletter is that is it so easy to use. In fact often time the hardest part is to write a catchy subject line.

Some of the most important improvements are:

  • Mobile friendly at last!
  • The process for adding blogs, events, donation options and forms will be even easier and faster
  • You can change the colour scheme for your newsletter to fit better your visual identity
  • You will be able to share a link on social media or your website directly for people to read your newsletter if they haven’t subscribed

Join our webinar on March 17th 11:30am where we will give a full product tour! 

Register for our webinar March 17th 11:30am

Want to give us feedback or input on Product Development?

You are always welcome to reach out directly to us to share feedback and input for product direction. If you have something concrete you can book a meeting directly here with Kenneth Svenningsen who is our product manager

Topics: Product

Kenneth Svenningsen
Kenneth Svenningsen
I want to make things that matter and make a difference. I'm responsible for our customers and obsessed about helping churches meet people with technology.

Features and improvements introduced in January

Read more about features and improvements we have introduced in ChurchDesk over the last two months. Every month we take a lot of time to make our ser...

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Improved newsletters for a better user experience

We released an improved version of our simple newsletter. These changes will help you to stay in contact with your church members even better and with...

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Features and improvements introduced recently

Learn all about our latest product updates. Working together in one ChurchDesk has never been easier: We are improving our multi-parish functionality....

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