ChurchDesk Blog: Where churches go to grow and engage

Copyrights: Make sure to credit people for their work

Written by Kenneth Svenningsen | 25/06/19 18:51

ChurchDesk now supports crediting your images on your website. Simply add the copyright details when uploading your images to your file archive and we’ll make sure to show this on your website. It only requires that you use Theme 6 & 8.. Oh and we are soon launching a new theme again (it looks beautiful).

Hover the ⓒ-icon to see the image credits. If you clicking the icon the visitor will go to the bottom of the page where all image credits on the page will be listed.

How to get started

Go to your ChurchDesk Settings and enable copyrights. Now you’ll have a copyright field available whenever you upload images in ChurchDesk. All images that have copyright information will get a copyright icon when used on your website.